By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 05:21 - United States

Today, it's my sixteenth birthday. The only gift I got was from myself: a positive pregnancy test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 692
You deserved it 91 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kids do the darndest things. is protection a dirty word or something now a days? just be lucky you did not get AIDS. might want to get tested for that also though.


Maybe on Christmas you'll get a gift certificate for an abortion.... Problem solved.

To all stuck up puritans: Take the stick out of your collective ass. Just because she's having sex doesn't make her a *****; she may not even be stupid - contraceptives are never 100% sure, you know? ******* idiots.

varkey 7

She's having sex before she's 16 years old... I'm pretty sure that means she's doing something wrong. She is, in fact, stupid, because, as you said, contraceptives are never 100% sure, and 15-16 is not a mature enough age to have sex, unprotected, or protected (and the chance that it was unprotected sex is 99.99%, as contraceptives only fail around 0.001% of the time.) However, it doesn't make her a ***** because ****** are people who have sex for money. Still, you're the definitely ******* idiot here.

boatkicker 4

She took a pregnancy test on her birthday, and then complained that it ruined the day. I'd say that's pretty stupid.

Scientifically abortion is not murder. And abortion is a really simple easy procedure, if u have 2 kids u clearly haven't been through it. Everyone has their opinion and out look on the abortion topic, and hopefully OP does what's right for her.

varkey 7

I'm pro-choice, but the statement "scientifically abortion is not murder" isn't in fact, always true... Third trimester abortions ARE often equivalent to murder, as the baby is usually viable at this age; for this reason, I don't support these. My brother was born after 27 weeks - super-premature, and yet he's totally fine now. And yet, people are having abortions after this age, when for all they know the baby could have popped out an hour later.

sikkar 0

You simply DI. That's what you get for being the neighborhood ****.

awww:-D I'm a teen mother as well I was 15...dnt let ppl discourage u because I'm a success story embrace this

you bloody **** u have ruined your life before your even a proper woman knocked up FYL

I don't understand why so many people are being so harsh! We all mistakes and the poor girl is so young. And to all those who are calling her '****' or '*****', you don't know that she either one of those things she may have just made a mistake. I know exactly how you feel, it so scary being so young and being faced with such a huge decision but things will work out in the end.

RedJester23 6

Judging by your username, I'm not surprised that you don't understand at all.