Baby brain

By Mike - 16/09/2020 09:02 - Bulgaria - Sofia

Today, we had two-year wedding anniversary. A few months ago, I insisted on going to a therapist because my wife can only think and talk about our one-year kid. My present for her was a Spa day, flowers and chocolate. Her gift to me was a Lego set to build for our kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 994
You deserved it 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First of all, legos are a terrible idea for a 1 year old. (Small parts and choking). And it looks like you need couples therapy, and she needs therapy, or you need to seriously explain to her that if this continues it’s going to lead to a divorce.

Why would a one-year-old give a shit if you assembled a Lego set for him? It doesn't look like your wife thinks of either of you!


First of all, legos are a terrible idea for a 1 year old. (Small parts and choking). And it looks like you need couples therapy, and she needs therapy, or you need to seriously explain to her that if this continues it’s going to lead to a divorce.

rotflqtms_ 21

Maybe they were the really really huge ones made for little kids, toddlers & babies.

While harder to choke on, even Lego recommends those to 2 years and up. Probably a combination of safety and child development to enjoy the toy.

What kind of psycho are you to not like Lego?

Bruh the kid is 1 and can’t and shouldn’t play with them and it was probably a kid themed LEGO set.

Why would a one-year-old give a shit if you assembled a Lego set for him? It doesn't look like your wife thinks of either of you!

well she obviously no longer cares for you and probably only got married to have a kid. it happens more often than you would think.

He's ONE... until he's more independent it should be a lot about your kid. However there should be some couple time every now and then. Find a compromise.

Sady_Ct 37

The hormones from pregnancy basically rewire a woman’s brain to be all about nurturing the kid and nothing else, they make her a slave to the child (as my mother says, why else would they but up with a screaming demanding baby for years until it develops some other endearing characteristics part from eating shifting crying and MAYBE sleeping) and it can be a lot worse in some women than in others and can last many years. This may not be her fault, she maybe needs to see a doctor and have regular down time without the child. Do not condemn her, she needs your support and understanding, just as much as you need hers.

I’m taking the under on you guys having two...

genuinegoodguy 9
icalledhisname 12

I totally agree with the comment that pregnancy and giving birth leads to hormone changes that makes women “obsess,” AKA care, for their babies. It wasn’t until my daughter was two that I started feeling like myself again. People underestimate how long those hormones last. Be gentle and understanding. Your child won’t be a baby for much longer.

Big legos are fine. Dude my kid is 16 months and I can't get her off the brain. Thankfully neither can my husband. It's totally normal to get each other gifts to 'do with the family'