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By avenue24 - 06/07/2016 21:08 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, it's the second day of being in Estonia with my boyfriend and his mom, visiting their family. I don't know much Estonian, but I can say short words and phrases. My boyfriend later informed me I've been mispronouncing "Thank you," and actually saying "Help me." I was wondering why people have been laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 141
You deserved it 1 023

avenue24 tells us more.

Hey everyone, thanks for publishing this, & for the support! His family is really nice & we're getting along well. When my boyfriend originally told me, I was embarrassed, but now I think it'll be a funny story to tell when I get home. He taught me how to say it correctly, so it should be smooth sailing from here!

Top comments

He probably should've tried to correct you sooner. At least you were trying to speak their language though, it makes a massive difference when you try :)

RedCronos 17

At least you tried speaking the language.


RedCronos 17

At least you tried speaking the language.

imagining all the hilarious situations that can cause XD

It happened to me but i said yes about no and no about yes , i will let you imagine .

He probably should've tried to correct you sooner. At least you were trying to speak their language though, it makes a massive difference when you try :)

That must be the Estonian version of "your" versus "you're".

I bet everyone thought that was adorable! My dad is originally from Pakistan and my mom and sister and I always laugh with him (not at him) when he makes language blunders

Anyone from Estonia here? I'm curious to know what the two phrases were.

"Thank you" is "Aitäh" and "help (me)" is "aita (mind)". For native speakers the distinction is very clear, but I can see how a beginner might sound similar in those cases.

I've always thought that saying "Tänan!" (another version of "Thank you") would be easier for foreigners to tackle than "Aitäh!".

Hey everyone, thanks for publishing this, & for the support! His family is really nice & we're getting along well. When my boyfriend originally told me, I was embarrassed, but now I think it'll be a funny story to tell when I get home. He taught me how to say it correctly, so it should be smooth sailing from here!

It's great that you can laugh about it now

Awesome that you can find humor in it! Enjoy visiting his family!! :)

I'm glad that you're having a good time! I understand your struggle, though. I am also in Estonia for the first time, visiting my own family! I don't know how to speak Estonian, either. Last week, I sat in a cigar lounge listening to an Estonian conversation between my grandmother, my great uncle and his three friends! It was the longest few hours ever! Hahaha. I hope that you have fun for the rest of your visit! Hopefully I do, too! ;) There are so many beautiful things to see!

This is actually pretty hilarious, OP. And you did make a bunch of people laugh, so that's a plus!

I'm Estonian and I don't have a clue who that is...