By nicki - 14/11/2010 17:18 - United States

Today, it took me a full ten minutes to finish on the toilet. I was babysitting at the time, and it took the kids those ten minutes to destroy the kitchen and shave the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 451
You deserved it 8 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If you had taken the time to wipe, they would have burned the house down.

LOL, just imagine the babysitter's last act upon this earth is to post a FML while the house is burning down. Today, the kids I was babysitting shaved the cat, destroyed the kitchen and burned down the house while I was in the bathroom. HELP I'M TRAPPED! CALL 911! FML.

bamagrl410 31

Hahahahaha funniest thing I've read all day.

zp5 4

i feel so bad. for that poor cat!

Well at least they didn't trip over the cat and kill it!

And then you made them clean up the kitchen and tape a carpet to the cat, right?

bamagrl410 31

Tape a carpet to the cat? Hahaha poor animal. I hate cats though, so this is amusing.

franwins0827 7

"[Kids] are like the ocean, you don't want to turn your back on them for long." ~Kindergarten Cop

these do not sound like kids you should look after again until their parents teach how to behave.

Chaos, your point is valid. Your passion inspires me.

chaos, i would give you more than one "thumbs up," but it's kinda impossible. i love the fact that everyone on here is omnipresent, omnipotent, and has never made a single mistake in their lives. get off your bullshit high horse, and stop spewing grandiloquent toxic sludge from that gaping hole you call your mouths. fact: people ******* shit. get over it. while y'all are busy munching on that bag of dicks, perhaps you should try thinking about what the **** you're saying before spontaneously generating incoherent psychobabble that has no basis in fact. |the kid|

Stop babysitting the Incredibles. It does not give you any street cred.

Wow, your diet must be appalling. 10 minutes to use a toilet is not healthy. Get some fibre, go for more walks, jebus.

yep; occasionally, i take even longer than 10 minutes to drop a deuce. not because i'm fiber-deficient; nay, quite the opposite. i just take huge ******* *****. way to go, jillian michaels; you proved nothing. |the kid|

why is there a shaver visible to the kids?

if you were on the toilet where'd they get the razor? they probably heard everybody loves shaved pussy..they sound like brats and it's a good thing cuz I don't think you'll be getting a call from their parents again.

Seriously? It's called having two bathrooms.

yeah op, im sure u were taking a shit in there >.>