By Username - 02/08/2011 07:55 - United States

Today, it was a warm day out so I left my car windows slightly open while I was at work. One of the local bums apparently thought this was a perfect opportunity to use my open driver's side window as a barf receptacle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 326
You deserved it 9 686

Same thing different taste


Mikemeecha 2

that's like something out of a cartoon or show. lol.

Well, I guess your life sucks, but come on man. Y'know its gonna happen :)

justanotherbird 19

Geez, bums are always doing disgusting things.

baccaz16 0

Next time close your windows and you will only have to clean the outside of ur car.

dbt88 15

How do you know it was a local bum and not a vengeful coworker or something? Did you go around asking the bums if they puked in your car?

I find it pretty interresting to see that 2 FML's in a row are from the same peron ("Username") I call bullsh*t on these two.

OLB42pr 2

Dude better than having your bros best friend spilling brandy all over the car then piling on the front seat... I had to clean that and I at least knew where to throw up