By turriblebday - 17/12/2009 15:35 - United States

By turriblebday - 17/12/2009 15:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/01/2014 01:08 - United States - Chicago
By Nico711 - 30/03/2019 02:00
By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 05:16 - United States
By Anon - 28/01/2019 06:00 - United States - West Jefferson
By mark - 05/03/2012 22:55 - United Kingdom
By phuckbukket7 - 27/04/2014 22:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/03/2013 23:22 - United States
By intranator - 08/04/2009 21:43 - Jordan
By Haitwun - 08/12/2014 02:18 - United States - El Monte
By sometingwong - 01/12/2011 20:32 - United States
that's well bad. Well bad birthday dinner :/
shit, and i thought i had relationship problems. FYL i hope you dumped her ass in the most cold heart way possible, dont hold back
Wow is right. 0.0'
lol why is every 1 asking if its a guy are a girl who she ******? she just ****** some 1 on his bday who givs a shit if its a guy or girl o_0 loool
#34, if she cheats with a dude, she is a lying cheating *****. If its a chick, its hot, & obviously, they just started the 3-some early without him, so that every thing is perfect for when he joins in. Because, you know, the world was created for men, by a male god, & god only made women so that men would not be lonely & turn gay. Women are just like animals or a tool that for some reason are allowed to talk back.
Something tells me you're one of those guys who still lives with his parents at the age of 38 and is a permanent virgin. Can't imagine which girl will go for someone who actually agrees with that pile of shit you just spewed out. Either that or GTFO troll.
Wow Cobramorph your a big ass go **** yourselff
Sarcasm only works when your tone of voice and facial expression can be heard & seen. So... the joke failed miserably.
Yo, Cobramorph? wtf is your issue? You have serious problems dude. First of all, God is a being, not male, not female. also, women are not some tool for your freaking pleasure. We need to be respected. Just because some girls are ***** and are horrible people, doesn't make us all that way. So yeah, your love life will simply be this: a ton a ***** who will never leave you happy, while you'll be all lonely and have no one to really connect with. Get a life dude. seriously. go to church, cause you might learn something about life, love, and God.
I'm pretty sure he was using sarcasm there...
what a *****! sorry dude.
That's unfortunate. Allegedly, birthday sex involves the person whose birthday it is...
Hey she had to make some cash to pay for your dinner. Be more appreciative.