By Anonymous - 31/05/2014 07:24 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. The only person who remembered was my dad who got me a phone charger for my car, which I didn't even need because he got me the same exact thing last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 718
You deserved it 4 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Change. But not the gift. Change your family.

Capitan 15

Maybe him remembering is the real gift. The charger is just material. Happy birthday!


1dvs_bstd 41

If there's anything I can gather from my personal and most people's birthdays that I've read about, is that they inflict pain on your very soul.

Well a good parent needs to be consistent.

steve727 2

Give him it for his birthday

Be happy that atleast one person remembered your special day :)

CurlyQute 17

Well at least he got you something

Sounds like my aunt who will stock up on cheap gifts and keep giving everyone the same thing until she runs out. Happy birthday, OP. Go out and treat yourself if everyone else forgot!

conman531 23

At least he remembered. Today's my birthday, too. So enjoy it