By Anonymous - 31/05/2014 07:24 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. The only person who remembered was my dad who got me a phone charger for my car, which I didn't even need because he got me the same exact thing last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 718
You deserved it 4 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Change. But not the gift. Change your family.

Capitan 15

Maybe him remembering is the real gift. The charger is just material. Happy birthday!


At least he remembered your birthday. Some people don't even get that.

You need to make some friends Don't be a victim get out there and Live

May be he bought 2 in 1 last year, let's pray he didn't buy 3 in 1

RaggleFraggle44 6
havahnegila 22

Some men are not good at this kind of thing. However it sounds like his heart is in the right place and his intentions are good. As far as the rest of your family.... Know that as you get older birthday presents will be something of a novelty. So just hang in there and lay a guilt trip on your mom for forgetting your birthday and maybe you can get spendable cash to buy something you like or need :)

Sounds like a good day to watch "Sixteen Candles"...

Epickitty58 29

At least he knew you'd love your gift.