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By perfectman - 12/06/2012 10:34 - Australia - Sydney

Today, it was my first time meeting my fiancé's parents. My future mother-in-law had cooked steak, hearing it was my favourite food. I somehow managed to bite my tongue, and then blurt out "Fuck!" just after she asked me how it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 310
You deserved it 8 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel bad everyone has done something like that at some point or other in their life

In a situation like this it is always best to continue speaking (and not hold your tongue, as the saying goes. e.g. Mum in law " How is it" OP "**** *slight pause* awesome!!! My taste buds just ejaculated all over my tongue" OK, you can leave the second line out when talking to the inlaws, but you get the picture, right? Practice will perfect the skill. FYL


Don't feel bad everyone has done something like that at some point or other in their life

Trisha_aus 15

Maybe she just isn't offended by cursing.

coffeeandcream 8

looks like he's not a "perfectman" after all.

You can't go wrong with cooking steak, unless you shit on it first.

PenguinSwag47 0

How do you propose to someone without ever meeting their parents?

76 it happens. What if they lived overseas?

bertman21 5
zakkyzebra 11

I don't see the problem... Just explain that it really fucken hurt to bite your tongue, but the steak was exquisite. ;)

PunkPrincess_fml 11

Because some parents are one of two D's. Douchebags Dead

armo109 0

Similar situations always happen to me OP. hope she wasn't too offended.

She's probably done it before, so yeah

Well at least you didn't say "SHIT!"

Strider207 5

#121 when you respond to a comment, please make it in response to a comment. I mean, it's frickin common sense.

G0v3nat0r 7

I'm sure they realized that you said it for some other reason. Most people don't say that to describe how their food tastes. But still, sorry that had to happen to you OP.

OP she sounds nice if she made your favorite food, just explain it to her I'm sure she'll understand :)

Well hopefully you can talk your way out of that one, happens to the best of us at times.

Just don't bring up buckingham palace.. No one seems to buy it. Learned that the hard way in high school..

Lol ^ this guy up vote for you. Edit thumbs up this isn't reddit, I'll just show my way out now.

I hope your fiancés Mom wasn't offended and understood why you said that word.

donkey79 0

F bombs in front of inlaws are hilarious. I doubt it was the first time they heard it.

In a situation like this it is always best to continue speaking (and not hold your tongue, as the saying goes. e.g. Mum in law " How is it" OP "**** *slight pause* awesome!!! My taste buds just ejaculated all over my tongue" OK, you can leave the second line out when talking to the inlaws, but you get the picture, right? Practice will perfect the skill. FYL

I thought of that microscopic cake decorators.

Just tell her you had such a foodgasm that you expressed your amazement at how good the steak was before you could stop yourself.