
By Anonymous - 18/10/2024 22:00 - Canada

Today, I met my boyfriend’s parents for the first time. I got nervous and tried to say, "Nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you!" when I should’ve just said, "It’s nice to meet you." To make things worse, it came out as, "Nice to hear you, I’ve met a lot about you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 260
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, there are times when we all get nervous. That was not a big deal and kind of cute. Just go on and don’t think about it - It was OK. When you know them better it could eventually become at cute story.


OP, there are times when we all get nervous. That was not a big deal and kind of cute. Just go on and don’t think about it - It was OK. When you know them better it could eventually become at cute story.