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By Anonymous - 16/06/2009 16:07 - United States

Today, it was my high school graduation. Because our school colors were red, black and white, and our principal looked somewhat like Hitler, the senior class prank was to salute him when he finished his speech. I was the only one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 630
You deserved it 36 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was a pretty lame prank anyway. & your whole class must be real goodie-goodies if they wouldn't even do that. But it was only a salute, I'd say about 3 people saw, get over it.

hahaha that's actually hilarious i applod you for having the balls to do it haha


aahahahah for my cousins school prank they let a chicken go in the halls... and for mine where getting 3 pigs and writing 1,2,4, on them and its gonna look like number 3 is missing and where gonna be like where is it ! lol

fml_276 0

ahaha. ive seen that prank...hilarious.

mehwhocares 9

That's a really old prank. I doubt it'll work.

funsize003 0

haha our senior prank was to parallel park all the way down the parking lot, so there wasn't room for anyone else to park. people were having their parents come pick up their cars because there was no room. :) and btw, you're STUPID. you honestly missed the memo no one else was doing it? it's a dumb, dickmove of a senior prank anyways.

yeah #38, i've heard that one before. be more original please. you definitely got that off 90210. OP, you kind of deserve it because you should have made sure others around you were doing it.

******* dick move, dude... making your school not have a music program? ******* asshole. My school's music program changed my life, and now a whole year, maybe two, of students don't have that chance. A fire. ******* die in one.

#39 You sound like my old math teacher and he was a dick

loveyababe 0

a tv show...also the zip code for beverly hills..

... because we all remember the FML's by their numbers - especially the ones soo far back.

Look at #48, even. Out of the sixty or so comments on here, there are already at least two with the same general prank, and I've heard of it being done before. It's old.

wow, what a pathetic grad prank my school is gonna be on national news b/c we cost the school $14,000 in damages from our pranks. There's gonna be no music program next year haha!

fml_276 0

it's not funny when you deprive others of opportunity.

# 41 whats 90291 ? and how is that NOT original

bananasthebear 0

wow cant say i havent felt like that about some of my teachers tho

kellbell09 0
ohhhhshizzz 0

#41: Not everyone is from America where that lame show originated, and yes I am from America. And I did call 90210 lame. Get over it. 'Kay? OP: Ha, sucks, eh? I'd do it at my graduation but then again I know alot of Jewish people so that would be like a punch in the stomach. But still, FYL.


Dude was this coatesville graduation cause my school colors were red black and white and my principal looked kinda like hitler