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By Anonymous - 16/06/2009 16:07 - United States

Today, it was my high school graduation. Because our school colors were red, black and white, and our principal looked somewhat like Hitler, the senior class prank was to salute him when he finished his speech. I was the only one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 630
You deserved it 36 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was a pretty lame prank anyway. & your whole class must be real goodie-goodies if they wouldn't even do that. But it was only a salute, I'd say about 3 people saw, get over it.

hahaha that's actually hilarious i applod you for having the balls to do it haha



HITLER RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY HOLOCAUST!!!!!!!!!!!

wrestling49 0

#27 ur a dick, one of the senior pranks at my HS was that they bricked all the doors closed to get inside the school. it was great and freaking hillarious!!!!

whoahanna 0

Hahahahahhaha oh man that's hilarious !! Bet the jews in that room were happy...

pandaface 0

Lol, that's hilarous, FYL for being the only one. 88

did someone say party pooper? have a cry

that's weird because it's a legend that Chris Farley did that in high school as well.

ziqi92 0

yeah, sounds familiar. my friend's sister did that for their senior prank XD

Dixie_Normous 0

That's weird cuz everybody ******* does that for their senior prank.

that'd be absolutely amazing, especially with the Swine Flu epidemic at the moment. hahaha , you guys are geniouses!

CyclonePsycho 1

Should we call the WHAAAAAMBULANCE?

Roflmao, aww, poor you! That was the worst, but I've gotta give you points for having the guts to do it.

You dont happen to be named Daniel in the real world? You look familiar.

kellster 2

What a terrible senior prank in the first place. Not cool! FYL for having gone along with it in the first place! Your classmates are a bunch of jackasses, though.

misterman2 3

YDI. NEVER fall for shit like that.