By nobodylovesme - 04/04/2013 06:46 - United States - Northridge

Today, it was my wedding day. Three people showed up. My mom, my dad, and the priest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 885
You deserved it 4 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh that's so sad :/ I'm sorry op, you're not the first person to be left at the alter. Some people have commitment issues I guess. Have a long talk with your fiancé and see where you stand.

mokielove 10

that sounds weird, you had to have gave wrong information . I mean think about It. all those people not showing up. don't make sense.


Giluh 19

:( I am sorry to hear that! No lady should have to go through that on her wedding day.

This FML would be a comedy if it happened on APR 1st. If not, a tragedy.

I'm guessing ur fiancé didn't, sorry

I'm so sorry, I hope you'll be okay soon m'dear!

onorexveritas 23

I have no words for how completely sucky that is

connersmom 4

Ow my god people her fiancé did not show up just her, her parents and the priest. The bastered bailed on her on her big day. Don't worry girl things will only get better. He just proved he was not good enough for you. Sorry you had to go through that though.

She might have been having a very small ceremony of just them, her parents, who act as witnesses and the Priest. Sorry, OP, that mega sucks! I hope you kick his ass.