By nobodylovesme - 04/04/2013 06:46 - United States - Northridge

Today, it was my wedding day. Three people showed up. My mom, my dad, and the priest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 885
You deserved it 4 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh that's so sad :/ I'm sorry op, you're not the first person to be left at the alter. Some people have commitment issues I guess. Have a long talk with your fiancé and see where you stand.

mokielove 10

that sounds weird, you had to have gave wrong information . I mean think about It. all those people not showing up. don't make sense.


i'm slightly confused...does OP mean only 3 people showed up besides herself and the groom? if so, it's not that big a deal, all you need is two witnesses so OP could have a blessing in the future where all her friends and family are there. If she means only 3 people full stop, I can't even begin to imagine how painful that would be. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for the groom not showing, and if not just think how lucky you are to have got out before it was too late :)

I am sure it has been done, but it would be hard to find a more poorly written FML. Either way sorry for your disappointment.

O god that's horrible ... I hope you can cope OP. big hug for you !

That's so terrible OP. But look on the bright side, at least you found out that your fiance wasn't worthy of you before you got married. You just avoided a possible divorce filled with more pain. Chin up, everything will work out for you in the end. :)

No wedding without a reason to marry :)

cmb8280 24

Can't tell if this is FYL cause just your guests didn't show up or cause your groom didn't show up... I guess either way FYL. But double if the groom didn't show, that's harsh...

This was so heartbreaking to read… :(

Wow. That's horrible. Someone get this woman some chocolate. No...get this woman all the chocolate.