By Anonymous - 21/05/2011 06:22 - United States

Today, it was raining heavily. I saw a large puddle by the edge of the road near with a passing lady. Thinking it would be funny to splash her, I swerved to hit the puddle. The puddle was deeper than I thought. I lost control of the car, spun out, and hit two parked cars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 340
You deserved it 255 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goliatron 9

You definitely deserve it, you poopyface.


You are all kinds of wrong, but at-least you splashed her, hope it was worth it :P

this is why we don't be a dick to people. because karma thinks it's funny to give you back something worse. :)

OP is what's wrong with the world today. They probably didn't even make sure the owners of the parked cars got his/her details. OP should have their license taken away til they grow up.

edteach 0

if the story is true then I'm sry you survived the crash and/or can still type/breath ... if your just trolling see my refer to my above comment starting with then .... douchhole

Good job ass-clown. Karma's a bitch and she just violated you.