By shoopbadeewoop - 08/03/2014 21:43

Today, it was snowing. After answering a call, I put my phone into my jacket pocket, and hurried across the road. I quickly realised my phone hadn't slipped into my pocket after all, and I turned around in time to see a snowplow go by. I couldn't find my phone in the snowdrifts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 932
You deserved it 6 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JudgeComrade 17

Just come back for it in spring.

inner_peace 19

Accidents happen, OP. It won't be the end of the world.


This is why I love living in the south.

HJKM_fml 19

Do you have insurance on the phone OP?

there's an app called Locate your phone.. you should atleast from now on install it on your new phone..

I have that on my iPad and it is a life saver! I 'lost' my phone behind a washer and dryer and would have not found it (or at least not on the same day!) without that app.

TrollingStalker 16

"Today, it was snowing." was already bad enough and now you lost your phone..I feel for you.

Do you want to build a snowman? Seriously, snow can be great for that and skiing/snowboarding and snowball fights.

TrollingStalker 16

Yeah, it's nice for awhile, but I live in Michigan. I've seen enough snow for two lifetimes.

74 - I feel ya. In the Midwest, we've already had more than two year's worth of snow this season, with more to come. :(

well... if it doesn't work when/if you find it, make sure you try turning it off and back on again

MsLiz12 10

this is exactly why I have always checked my pockets after putting my phone in there. sorry op I know this has to suck.

I did this once, but rather than my pocket, it was my bag and rather than a street by home in a soon to be snow bank, it was a taxi in Beijing. Fyl OP