By tnh - 17/11/2011 17:39 - United States

Today, just like every other day, I was woken up 2 hours earlier than I needed to be, by the alarm belonging to my upstairs neighbors. They won't wake up until their real alarm goes off: me, pounding the walls and yelling in frustration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 727
You deserved it 2 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait till they leave and then sneak in their apartment and put a walkie talkie user their bed. At 3am start yelling MEEEP MEEEP


So drill a 1" hole through your ceiling into their apartment & start shoving lit m80's under it... If you're not willing to go that far then you're not really mad about it... In which case, you need to stop whining about it & either move or take 1 of the million suggestions 2 buy earplugs!!! You totally deserve that sh¡t lmfao!!!

Or man up & beat some @$$!!! Violence does solve certain issues lol...

How about not waking them up and theyll be late for work

That's when u appreciate living in a house :)

wriptidez 0

talk with them if they wont help u then qait till they fall asleep and u bother them with sound. U know maybe they could put their cell phone alarm on so it onlhy wakes them and not u?

lilybirdbaby 0

Not to be insensitive to OP, but I really could do with an alarm like OP... I really struggle to hear my alarms in the morning :S

The__Redneck 7

The problem is that their "real" Alarm clock is too reliable. To fix the problem, pound the shit out of their walls and yell at least four times a night. If they complain, tell them "Ahh, I thought you were just sleeping through your alarm again--you know, my ears just don't work like they used to....."