By Anonymous - 14/02/2013 13:18 - United States - Allendale

Today, just so my family would think someone might actually be interested in me, I bought myself roses and attached a secret admirer card to them. My plan would have worked if I hadn't forgotten to take the receipt off the kitchen counter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 232
You deserved it 44 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

OP, this is what you need to do: stop giving a shit about the perceptions that others might have of you, just because it's Valentines Day. Today is just like any other day, except men and women alike drain their bank accounts in feeble attempts to show their special someone that they "care". Last time I checked, love wasn't measured by how many boxes of chocolate and goofy looking teddy bears you bought for someone. You're single. Go out and enjoy yourself. Treat yourself to a nice dinner, a massage, etc. You don't need someone in your life in order to enjoy Valentines Day.

Well at least you know you love your secret admirer


Do what I do. Order something online and have it mailed to you with a special note on it lol

VampTat 10

Why do you care whether or not someone else cares that you are single? Maybe you don't want to be in a relationship right now or you just haven't found that special someone yet. It's really that simple.

TcheQ 12

Why the fcuk do you think you need to impress anybody? I've never even had a gf. I want one (at least once) but I'm not going to fake relationships. I';ve got more interesting things to do (like yelling at my computer)

God, why are so many people so insecure about being single? Get over it. Being alone is great if you like your own company. How can you expect somebody else to like your company if you don't even like it yourself?