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By pissed out pants - 18/01/2015 21:58 - United Kingdom

Today, just to win a bet against my mum that he could make me scream like a bitch, my dad faked his own suicide. He went the whole mile: fake blood everywhere, fake gun, yelling "Goodbye!" and playing a loud gunshot sound effect from his PC, everything. My dad won; my underwear lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 982
You deserved it 3 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

Wth is wrong with your dad?! That is a cruel thing to do


skyeyez9 24

Wth is wrong with your dad?! That is a cruel thing to do

drunkmunkey 24

and I thought they usually joked with "hi hungry, I'm dad".... that escalated quickly

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#36 shit he didn't die. They are saying what is wrong with him in reference to the fact that he would play such a cruel, sick joke on his son just to win a bet.

#36, that joke may have gone above everyone elses heads but I understood where you went with it and I approve.

iglesia 11

We get the joke it just isn't funny

Not to mention his son is going to be permanently traumatized. Even if it was just a "joke" I'd have nightmares for the rest of my life of it not being a joke.

suicide isnt something to be joked about smh. feel sorry for OP

that's a little extreme for a joke. Wtf?

kirbs19 37

It wasn't a joke it was a bet

lexiieeex3 32

Agreed. This is the most ****** up thing I've ever read.

conman531 23

Geez. How do you get pay back for that?

You don't get payback for something like that. This kind of thing is not a joke and it's not funny - it's a relationship ender. The only thing that happens from here is you lose all respect and trust in your parents and you move out the second you can afford to.

conman531 23

But that's no fun. A good idea I have is you get a friend you don't know. Have them knock on the door and ask for you. You go outside, they "shoot" you, they run away and when your parents approach your body, say "gotcha"

better idea. have a friend who sounds like an adult call his parents stating OP was I'm a wreck and is in the hospital in critical condition. when they arrive at the hospital, OP is waiting in the entrance to say "It's not so funny when it's you, it's it? " payback complete.

if this is the most ****** up thing you have ever read. you are lucky enough to have never been in the deep depths of the internet

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SystemofaBlink41 27

I'm going to use this as an insult from now on!

I hope a girl bites your dick off when she gives you ******** for that

kirbs19 37

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Why does this have so few thumbs up??

The only think the father is a master of is losing the trust and respect of his kid. The mom isn't any better because she actually bet on this and I'm guessing knew all about what the dad was going to do. This is disgusting and Op's parents are sick and need help.

rominion 11

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tony1891 22

From op's name I think "pissed off" would have been a better choice.

Especially if it's your dad. Thats just terrible.

I agree. I find it disturbing that a parent would even think about putting their own child through such a traumatic event. For what a simple bet?

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Yeah, I'd rather kill myself than make a suicide joke.

sexpectations 15

@79; your respect would be the last thing to cross somebody's mind when they've exhausted all reasons for living. I'm not justifying suicide nor am I romanticizing it, but it's beyond inconsiderate to downplay something many consider as their last or only option.

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Suicide is a serious issue, especially in my hometown. It's not funny. It's not something to joke about. If anyone ever suspects someone of committing suicide, go talk to your local police. I've done this twice now, and the first time my friend went to the hospital and got a week of therapy. The second time nothing happened. But both friends are alive and happy and I'm still friends with both. Taking your life away from those who care about you is damaging to all and there are always more options.

Laurenlou 24

#79 No duh, people shouldn't commit suicide. Yet, I have a family member who did. I find the prank that OP's parents played to be very disturbing and untasteful. I'm not offended by it, I'm sad and quite grossed out. It's a very serious topic that is not to be joked about. Those who think about killing themselves need help, because there are people who truly care about them (whether they believe it or not). They have a purpose in their life and they shouldn't end it prematurely. Lastly, its a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

It is amazing the lengths people will go through to traumatize their kids these days