By parkingisawesome - 06/05/2011 00:35 - United States

Today, leaving the restaurant I work in, the car next to mine was very crookedly parked. I had a hard time backing out. It turned out the whole restaurant was watching me, and they all started to clap as I drove away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 054
You deserved it 5 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This really doesn't seem too bad. if I were watching I would clap for you succeeding! The other person parked like a dick and you pulled out of it with out ******* up your car. Congrats.

I just picture you backing out like an old lady in a buick


missmaryb 0

So you're one of those. Seriously, unless the car was behind yours, it's not that difficult. Maybe you shouldn't be behind the wheel.

Honestly, given my luck at parking lately, I'd have been flattered to earn some applause.