By parkingisawesome - 06/05/2011 00:35 - United States

Today, leaving the restaurant I work in, the car next to mine was very crookedly parked. I had a hard time backing out. It turned out the whole restaurant was watching me, and they all started to clap as I drove away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 054
You deserved it 5 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This really doesn't seem too bad. if I were watching I would clap for you succeeding! The other person parked like a dick and you pulled out of it with out ******* up your car. Congrats.

I just picture you backing out like an old lady in a buick


Next time take a crowbar to the other cars hood. It's a lesson they'll never forget. Cheers. :)

or slash the tires, that's what i do

awmy 2

lol idk how this is an fml, it seemed to me like they were clapping because u got out alright n i agree w/ #17 i would have taken a bow

XDBrittany1228 0

how is that an fml? I'd be honored.

pretty_in_pink94 6

Smile and bow. How is that an FML? Sounds kind of MLIA-ish.

I believe this is actually a good thing instead of an FML. just saying..