By DeadLily - 07/05/2016 13:12 - United States - Midlothian

Today, like any other day I moan after I sneeze. The only issue is that today my husband was on the phone with his grandmother, and had to explain to her, while trying not to laugh, that he wasn't having sex with me while on the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 679
You deserved it 1 301

DeadLily tells us more.

Lmao. OP here. I have had sex while my husband or myself being on the phone. It's just really embarrassing when it happens around other family members since I don't see them often. Now being both of us are gamers, our friends hear it all the time through teamspeak. And the jokes never cease. Anyways. I don't even get pleasure out of it, it's just a reflex. Also! Thanks for the comments! You guys are great!

Top comments

Try not to sneeze while on the phone for a job interview, OP.


You could have just ended the FML after you mentioned that you moan after every sneeze

Lmao. OP here. I have had sex while my husband or myself being on the phone. It's just really embarrassing when it happens around other family members since I don't see them often. Now being both of us are gamers, our friends hear it all the time through teamspeak. And the jokes never cease. Anyways. I don't even get pleasure out of it, it's just a reflex. Also! Thanks for the comments! You guys are great!

blazerman_fml 17

Push To Talk :) Saves lives :3

I hate push to talk though... I talk very soft so it's a nuisance.

I think you can setup a mute/unmute hot key OP. I had a friend whose dog would never shut up that did it.

blackrose1996 11

That's not an FML that's an lol

I'm not tech savvy, but I'm sure there is my husband has his set up that way. I'll just beg him to do it for me ?

Many microphones come with a mute switch, but without knowing what you have I cant help. If it comes down to you you could just unplug the mic and then plug it back in when finished.