By TooNoisy4Me - 04/07/2016 09:46 - United States - Bellerose

Today, like every year, my next-door neighbors started setting off their fireworks at exactly midnight. Also, like every year, the sensitive car alarm belonging to another neighbor has gone off with every firework. It's been almost six hours of nonstop alarms and explosions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 746
You deserved it 1 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

File a noise complaint with local law enforcement.

"Bottle rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that the prick was still there; O! say does that car alarm's sound have huge waves O'er the land of the free, ruining the sleep that you crave?"


you say it started at midnight and has gone on for six hours? I'm surprised no one else has called the police, especially since some people still have to go to work. all that noise would make it impossible to sleep.

MamaChey 24

Dear "Interesting33". OP said CAR ALARM, not fire alarm. However, had the neighbors been dumb enough to set the fireworks off indoors, they definitely would've set off the smoke alarm.

Michael978 16

#28, so you just wanna correct a simple mistake or you wanna answer his question? Smoke alarm or car alarm, neither should go off from noise

usnwife 18

Depending on the fireworks and how close to the car, they could have enough force to cause vibrations that would set it off... It'd have to be a really sensitive alarm but it could happen I guess

TabooSushi 24

Oh I love living in a state where unlicensed fireworks are illegal. We still have a few people who smuggle them in and set them off, but they're much tamer and generally don't start up until the evening.

depends on OP's timezone? says 546 on my screen

Our neighbor's mustang car alarm always go off because some people will hit the brakes on their motorcycle ? when they pass by.

Aftermarket car alarms are finicky and suck. So many odd things can set them off. My mother had one that a lawnmower would set off. It was annoying in the summer. Plus, they're super easy to bypass and steal whatever in the car.

It's not like you didn't see this coming

MamaChey 24

..#21. I'm totally missing your point when you said that OP should've seen it coming. Please elaborate...

mariri9206 32

I'm guessing 21 thinks they should have seen it coming because the FML said that OP's neighbors do this every year which, again I'm guessing, means 21 thinks they should have expected it, instead of being, like, surprised by it, and could have probably had ample time to prepare for it. Granted, OP shouldn't have to prepare for it because OP's neighbors should have common courtesy and follow local noise ordinances but it seems they really don't care about that.

you knew beforehand, and could've talked with your neighbours to relocate either the car or the fireworks. you also could've gone somewhere else. ydi

MamaChey 24

Okay, RosaMaravillosa (#22). Are you flipping kidding me with your YDI comment? OP did NOTHING to deserve this. Either your statement was a joke, trying to get a rise outta people like me (if so, you got me!), or you have your head in the clouds. People who set off fireworks and car alarms at 2 a.m. know exactly what they are doing. They simply don't give a ****; Talking to this person will do nothing. Additionally, if I were the owner of the car, I'd tell you to go screw yourself and talk to d-bags setting off the fireworks. I SERIOUSLY hope that you weren't being serious.

invest in a good pair of earplugs, you can't stop that since it is a holiday