By Anonymous - 10/12/2013 17:26 - United States - Springfield

Today, marks my third day of school being closed due to snow. One, and only one, of the teachers has decided that we have to do work online in the meantime. I just so happen to be in three of his classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 541
You deserved it 4 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ashalayx 13

just pretend your power went out?

Damn that's just horrible luck. Good luck with your assignments though.


Schools close because of snow??? Whaaaaaaat I live in Moscow, high school closes for -40 degrees ><

My school was closed due to snow/ice too...but I'm in Texas, so we have no idea what to do.

justmeCee 16

Lol. The southern states are such wussies when it comes to a little snow/ice. In Canada we don't close schools unless it is an absolute crazy blizzard! :p

lol It's because we rarely get snow or ice so we're completely unprepared. No salt trucks or anything, especially in the smaller towns, like I'm in right now.

I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to say "you sir are an asshole" my sympathies.

Quick! Someone call the Waaaaaaaaambulance!

justmeCee 16

It sucks but for your own good. At least you will be caught up instead of trying to catch up on 3 days worth of homework when you get back to school.

Major downside of being a 21st century kid! Haha

We're do u live bcuz I've been hearing about the snow fall but I live in southern Florida so I haven't seen it