By Anonymous - 05/05/2015 19:54 - United States - Exton

Today, marks the fourth day in a row that I've worn the same outfit to prove to my parents that they pay me no attention. They still haven't noticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 941
You deserved it 3 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raysmith121 10

Poop in the living room. I bet they'll notice that

Stop taking showers, see how long it takes them to notice that.


Try sitting down and talking to them about how you feel?

I wear the same clothes for weeks sometimes. Min never notice

I'm sure they've noticed and wondering why you have worn the same clothes for four days.

You're a real life cartoon character lol

It'n't that they haven't noticed, it's just not a problem yet

MrZsDad 19

Bum a cigarette from someone, and get a sixpack of beer. Sit in the living room, crack a beer and light up, THEN prove your point.

It's better than having a mom who screams at you for wearing a sweatshirt twice (not even in a row) without washing it first..

Real talk: I could walk into the living room (they were always watching TV) with my arms covered in bandages and they won't ask. That is a real thing that happened and they never asked. I know the feeling, I was emotionally abused and neglected for the majority of my childhood and by adolescence it really messes with your head.

I didn't mean to thumb down your comment, that is extremely sad. I feel so sorry for you.

When I dyed my hair pink it took my parents 5 days to notice