By jimmyt420 - 29/11/2009 09:33 - United States

Today, me and my girlfriend went and saw "The Blind Side." I sobbed throughout the entire movie. My girlfriend didn't shed a tear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 573
You deserved it 16 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crzyry 6

There's nothing wrong with that. That movie was amazing. I didn't cry watching but it was still good.

a tear drop is cute, sobbing- thats a no no


LKO_fml 0

I just saw the same movie and also cried but I am a girl, but it doesnt matter if ur a guy. That movie was kinda sad but alsoo veryy good!

drummerdude520 0

you have nothing to be ashamed is beautiful :)

you pussy that aint a problem thats you needing to drop a pair

It's cool, man. I'm a guy and I got a little choked up during that movie too. For me, at least, it was kind of a personal thing. If you play football or come from humble backgrounds like Michael Oher (guy the movie is about) you can probably relate a little better than her to the movie. That in itself justifies your tears.

Your girlfriend is more of a man than you are. Go cut your throat.

Well, if it were me, my GF wouldnt have gotten to see the movie, cause her head would be in my lap the entire time.

Kyoshi14 0

haha this happened to me and my boyfriend! We saw Old Dogs and he was balling and I was just watching the movie like "hmm this is good." and this was before we were even dating. :p