By Ann - 31/05/2011 16:47 - United States

Today, my 12 year old cousin decided that "all men are pigs" and deleted every male contact in my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 182
You deserved it 4 901

Same thing different taste


Isn't she a little young to be so jaded? I was at least 14 before I came to that realization.

I was 11. I called a boy in my 6th grade class a chauvinistic pig after he told me to make him a sandwich. All girls go through that stage; eventually we get over it and realize that feminists are crazy, and have PMS (Permenant Menstrual Syndrome) and that sexist jokes are hillarious.

shannon6 3

Haha aw, so young and so cynical. Who knows, maybe she was right and you dodged a bullet. Maybe she's a good judge of character. Take her with you to meet new potential boys as she judges them silently ;)

antichrist666 0

or maybe she's a stuck up bitch like most females ;) an was unfortunately started early

shannon6 3

True, preteens do go for the stuck up routine since that's supposedly how "popular" girls act. Most girls grow out of that as they get older, like after high school if not sooner. Poor kid. Where is the sense of romanticism and the whole prince on a white horse fairytale most girls that age dream of? I guess with the divorce rate spiraling out of control, we shouldn't be surprised since a lot of kids are really damaged growing up watching their parents either in a dysfunctional relationship or unable to keep a steady relationship :/

Do they have a phone themselves? Throw it in the wash machine. Sometimes spoiled brats need a hard lesson.

shannon6 3

Aw, but you shouldn't lie to children ;D

HahaYDI 0

I've never liked that generalization. Typically when girls say things like that it's because they are attracted to the scum that gives the rest of us a bad name. And since your cousin is 12, she should know better than to mess with your stuff.

And you should not be such a stuck up bitch.

Super_Jill_ 1