By ggabrams - 17/08/2013 12:55 - United States - Ewa Beach

Today, my 17-year-old son came home with a black eye saying he ran into a pole at school. I asked the principal if we could see the tapes. He actually did run straight into a pole. And not just once, twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 676
You deserved it 5 922

ggabrams tells us more.

He didn't give an excuse. I was laughing my ass off in the office though.

Top comments

Maybe you should talk to him about the difference between Platform 9 3/4 and Narnia's lampost.


rg350dx 29

Pole me once, shame on you. Pole me probably should've used a condom.

rg350dx 29

Drop and roll? In the name of love? Collaborate and listen? Please tell me. I need to know what you want me to stop then do. I can't keep living my life in this vague pit of despair your comment has thrown me into! Just give me some peace! For old times sake...I know that night meant something to you too.

Im gonna take a chance here and say, was he on any sort of hard drug perhaps? *prepares for down votes*

itsgen 16

Hahahah definition of a dumbass

The pole was asking for a fight; he even started talking about his mom. You she be proud your son was so eager to defend your honor.

Scruggalicious 13

Be glad he wasn't dancing on the pole and was just running into it.

He probably shouldn't pursue a career in stripping.

perdix 29

He likes running face first in poles? That could a lucrative skill in some subcultures ;)

martin8337 35

Surveillance cameras at school? Big Brother in our schools now? Wow!

Most teens wouldn't tell you something embarrassing, you've raised a honest one