By Anonymous - 22/10/2014 16:09 - Norway - Egersund

Today, my 17-year-old son managed to easily convince my 13-year-old daughter that if you have sex before getting married, you'll instantly get horrible diseases that will kill you. Her freaking out is how I found out she's not only gullible as hell, but sexually active as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 306
You deserved it 6 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments


well, your 17-year-old son was probably trying to get her to not be sexually active

Unlucky1232 20

your son is a genius. Get him to tell her the only way to be cured is to tell your parents and never have sex until your at least an adult.

Are you sure she's sexually active or does she just think she is? When my brother was about ten he thought a hug could get you pregnant. 13 seems insanely young to be sexually active and yes although some kids are just crazy, a conversation about sex -and how you should be over 16/17/whatever the legal age is at least before you do it -might have come in handy here....