By ProudMother - 06/03/2013 18:04 - United Kingdom - Telford

Today, my 20-year-old came whining to me, asking why his job interviews keep going so poorly. I had to delicately explain that the "PIMP SLAP" tattoo he had put on his right hand recently may have something to do with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 784
You deserved it 4 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He has the right mindset: Life's a bitch, be it's pimp. I'd say that shows great life motivation and perseverance in front of challenges, don't see why he wasn't taken.

OP, I've gotta say, your son is a dumbass


My question is why did you have to do so "delicately"

infinite Secret 3

Wow how did that tattoo sound like a good idea ???