By anonymous - 28/07/2011 05:39 - United States

Today, my 4 year-old daughter's favorite expression became "shit balls." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 436
You deserved it 16 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fricknugget 3

LMFAO it might be me my new one too!!:P


Sucks to be you! Perhaps some needs to take some parent classes

MsMeiriona 2

so explain to her that is not a nice thing to say, not difficult...

AnnaVictoriaMBM 8

lmfao... that's just terrific.

emories_mommy 0

and where did she get it from.? and who's letting her say it?

kingtootinpootin 3

They're just words your kid doesn't understand the meaning of. Kids always seem to finds words that feel good for them to articulate. It doesn't make you any worse of a parent or them any worse of a kid. But once they swear at you personally for the first time, that's when you have to scare the shit balls out of them for doing it. Or you run the risk of having that kid your neighbours, friends, cousins and strangers want to beat for being so damn disrespectful and annoying.

seracy13 0

LMAO when my daughter was 2 she would go around calling random people "douche bag". completely my fault but soo damn funny :D

hahaha that was mine to when when that movie you me and Dupree came out.