By Shoutout1011 - 15/04/2017 22:00

Today, my 6-month-old daughter decided she'd scream every time I'd answer her cries instead of her daddy. He just left for a 12-hour shift at work. Only 11 more hours to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 628
You deserved it 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give her candy laced with Benadryl and you'll have 10 peaceful hours.

This is when you get to sharpen your disciplinary skills.


This is when you get to sharpen your disciplinary skills.

species4872 19

You don't discipline 6 month old babies. See if she needs changing, check for nappy rash. She maybe beginning to teeth, you can try some teething gel on her gums if that's the case. Try giving her a dummy, (pacifier), with a little bit of honey on it. Nurse her until she goes to sleep, a lot just want to be close. Take her for a ride in the car or a walk. Try to occupy her with the television or music. Play with her until she falls asleep etc. Just don't get angry, be patient, you will find what works.

I agree with everything except putting honey on the pacifier. That's a big no-no until the baby has had its first birthday because it can lead to infant botulism

JadeMinu 10

As much as i know that that's an absolute torture, it's still a bit cute though hehehehehe.

Give her candy laced with Benadryl and you'll have 10 peaceful hours.

I'd say give her something to cry about, i.e. A spanking, but she's only 6months old so :/

Don't answer her calls and she'll get tired from it and stop... problem solved