By Anonymous - 13/08/2013 08:49 - France - Paris

Today, my 7-year-old son proudly announced that he had laid an egg during the night. I checked. He'd simply shat the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 595
You deserved it 4 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

He was just trying to make breakfast in bed.

hopefully it was more hardboiled than scrambled


sammyjanette 17

Does this make you mother goose?

Try to see it this way. In 40 years or so, he will clean your sheets.

He's only 7, don't ruin his excitement!

A seven year old should know better. I don't know any seven year olds who have ever done anything like that, or even still wet the bed.

#52 However, us adults dream things all the time and think they are real. Example: Beating up your wife in your sleep because you're beating up robbers in your dream.

Loads of seven year olds still wet the bed, it's just doesn't usually happen very often, unlike when you're properly little and being potty-trained. They should definitely know that people don't lay eggs though. Even if he dreamt that happening, he should've realised the reality when he woke up..

Maybe he thought he was the Easter Bunny and had laid a chocolate egg??

Well I guess you could say that's a *puts on sunglasses* shitty situation YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH

Oh please go die some place far away from the rest of us.

I guess eggs do come in white AND brown.

Isn't the proper term browned the bed? happens...just more you can probably relate...

buttcramp 21

atleast he's confident with a great imagination :)

Perdition25 12

So much for 7 being the age of reason. My girlfriend's daughter is 7 and has close to no reasoning capabilities either. It is alright though, they will get there.