By dumbteacher - 23/05/2011 14:35

Today, my AP teacher once again accused me of plagiarism. Apparently the words "demise," "ultimately," and "rural," are too sophisticated for an 11th grade AP student to use and MUST have been copied from the Internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 548
You deserved it 3 189

Same thing different taste

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Ultimately, your rural demise is imminent.

Expertfail 0

Jokes on them; if you're telling the truth then you're clearly more intelligent than they think you could be, good for you!


I know it's a bit late in the year for this to help now, but for the future (including in college): when you have a teacher pull stuff like that, you need to go to the counselor or principal (or, in college, the department head) and make an appeal. In high school, you can ask to be transferred to another class, though you may lose your AP status if you do that. I wish I could tell you this stuff stops in college, but it doesn't. I know several people who were in their early comp classes who had TAs pull that crap. (However, if you're in AP classes and score well on the tests, you should be able to skip those lower level classes.) Oh, and AP classes DO matter. The AP tests matter even more. The person saying they don't either didn't do well in class or on the tests, didn't take the tests, or had went to an unaccredited school. I was able to skip several college classes because of my high AP test scores.

YDI for taking an AP class. Whats 11th grade? APUSH? JK, FYL. My AP Euro teacher doesn't have much hope in my intelligence. Ultimately, the demise of us as students is in the rural , imminent future. Ha.

hahaha I use those words in 9th Grade accelerated English

Junior year... I'm guessing AP English Lang? Your teacher is an idiot if he thinks two syllable words are sophisticated. Luckily, AP English Lang is one of the exams where having a great teacher isn't absolutely necessary. Although thinking about it, when was this FML created? AP exams were the first two weeks of May... APUSH and AP Art History. Ugh... Glad junior year APs are over. Looking forward to AP Physics, AP Chem, AP English Lit., and AP US Gov. next year (not really).

cherrypassion 6

wow we those words on a vocab quiz in English 10 honors

needsagf14 12

dumb teacher? ur my best friend!

FMLsOhilarious 6

Haha, wow. That is one dumb teacher, maybe you can teach her a thing or two.

nitewlf12 10

Ha. that's funny. ironically I've got the opposite problem. the one time I actually plagiarized in English, my teacher told me itwas waaaay below her expectations.