By dumbteacher - 23/05/2011 14:35

Today, my AP teacher once again accused me of plagiarism. Apparently the words "demise," "ultimately," and "rural," are too sophisticated for an 11th grade AP student to use and MUST have been copied from the Internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 548
You deserved it 3 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ultimately, your rural demise is imminent.

Expertfail 0

Jokes on them; if you're telling the truth then you're clearly more intelligent than they think you could be, good for you!


that's bs. if he makes that allegation, he should be able to point to where you supposedly plagiarized. there is software for that, too. you've got to be diplomatic, but stand your ground if you're right.

ydnar 5

In Japan and they use words like that in the 1st grade only it looks like this 終焉 最終的に 農村

that's because your breading a super army of playstation developers

Look on the bright side. At least the fact that you know words like this and don't copy what you see on the internet means you can spell well enough to get a VDM published.

I had a 4th grade teacher who marked me wrong when I didn't spell 'apartment' with two Ps. When I got out the dictionary to show her, she yelled at me for contradicting her. I feel your pain, OP.

if your really that smart there's no way you would let your teacher tell you that without proving her/him wrong. smart people don't let people tell them they are wrong or cheaters. fact.

YankeesUniverse 0

You guys must be reading Catcher in the Rye

BellaMarta 19

o_O Really? I'm a freshman in high school and those words are NOT too sophisticated. Your teacher is retarded.

the same thing happened to me in sr. English. I was thought to be a plagiarizer because my final project was about Nikola Tesla while everyone else spoke about chainsaws and dirt bikes. (I lived in a redneck town). my teacher didn't even know who tesla was and got pissed when I said he was a more successful scientist than edison, before he went bankrupt.