By Username - 28/02/2011 16:26

Today, my assistant manager was arguing with a customer. I interjected letting the customer know that "we want everything to be copacetic." After the customer left, I received a write up for using "big words." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 904
You deserved it 5 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats like talking in an other language to us simple foke

Ha ha ha! Sounds like his vocabulary isn't as sophisticated as yours!


It's because you say things like 'vocabulary' when you really mean 'talking words'.

inb4 people pretend they knew exactly what copacetic meant... wait maybe not

moholy 1

The problem's more in the hippie slang than the fact that it's four syllables.

I agree, I find that it is most often used my pretentious college girls who wreak of patchouli.

Cromulent FTW win! Whoever understands this, I hope it embiggens your spirit today!

digressions 13

Indeed, this cromulent word would embiggen even the smallest man!

I'm going to have to go with YDI. "Copacetic" is an obscure word and you should have known that it was an obscure word. You are talking to a customer, not taking the GREs. It isn't about dumbing down your vocabulary. It's about knowing the appropriate situations to use certain words so that you don't sound like a pretentious ass. Knowing the register of the word you are using and knowing what register to use when is as important as knowing what the word means. Also, I like how people here automatically assume that those who don't use the word "copacetic" are those who use texting language.

ctlnaaia71 8

this is for tencentsakiss: i work at a large international bank, and assistant managers cannot write anybody up. i would contact hr and report the boss wanna be.