By failedmusician - 03/06/2009 10:06 - New Zealand

Today, my band went to play a set for the first time. I'm the drummer. All was going well, and then before our first song I threw the sticks in the air, went to catch them, and one hit me right in the eye. I couldn't continue playing. Now I have to wear an eyepatch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 712
You deserved it 59 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Learn to spin them around in your hands if you can't catch them.

Let's hope you guys are a pirate themed band. Arrrggghhh. =X


lool i think im gonna click both ydi and ure life is fkked cuz ure practicting how to be cool BUT ure an idiot..

EmbarrassedKlutz 0

Teh eyepatch is SEXEH >:P Though your horrible coordination is not.

HAHAHAHA OWNED. You deserve it. Retard.

Why the **** does everyone think everything is retarded?!?!? retard is an offensive word for people with a mental illness

Well, now you have a new look. Just tell the girls you were mugged.

Who says he was showing off? It might be a routine the OP has to do. In which case, he didn't have a choice.

If you can't be flashy with your instrument, don't try. lol, it benefits nobody. Maybe practice alone so the only person that feels dumb is yourself. Although everyone messes up once inawhile. Whatever, sucks to be you is the moral of the story.

DarthJeff 0

Could be worse,you could be like the drummer in Def Leppard. Get a parrot.

Teletubbies_fml 0

Hey, it could have been worse. I mean, you could be wearing two eyepatches if you messed up badly enough. :|