By underachiever - 20/02/2010 07:29 - Australia

Today, while on my graveyard shift at an inner-city backpackers lodge, a drunk pissed in a dorm at 4am. I had to clean up after him, wash all the luggage that got dowsed, clean up 2 separate piles of puke, and help 3 drunken Brits back to their room while they abused me. I have a science degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 023
You deserved it 3 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jasonsaied 1

where the hell do you guys see unconscious poms?

oh god, i read "unconscious poms" as "unicorn ****"...


oh god, i read "unconscious poms" as "unicorn ****"...

zippit09 0

Me too, just spent a good 20 minutes playing at

Ajjas013 6

There should be a group on Facebook. I watched Unicorn **** and didn't get my ass kicked!

Averizzle 0

And it should be continued as "But I did get my ass kicked for watching pokemob ****."

Averizzle 0
jasonsaied 1

where the hell do you guys see unconscious poms?

Aah_Zombies 0

This ^ Why is this FML any worse because you have a science degree? Maybe you can get a boring job in a lab instead of a boring job cleaning up drunkards' puke.

maddieguinn 0
maddieguinn 0

have you ever considered being a janitor.

He has a degree and his native language is English. OP: get a job as an English teacher in Asia. Your living standard will probably be higher (income might be lower but expenses, too) you get to travel and have some fun.

Yeah! It's such a comforting sound! vvvvWOOM! vvvvvWOOM! There go two right now!

Well, now you know that a degree doesn't over-qualify you to have a working class job.

Astraea 0

Education means nothing, really. It's the same here in Turkey, what you need is just good luck and some, oh more than some money and good connections. Sorry for you.

science degrees are worthless here in Australia - you need more than that to land a respectable job

whitekiss 0

how did unconscious people verbally abuse you?

@Tazn1991, the OP was modded for clarity. Where it says "drunken Brits", I believe it originally read "3 unconscious poms", with "unconscious" spelt incorrectly.

Ajjas013 6

Fine, dissect them or some shit Mr. Science.

sucks that you had to do that. I fish which I named Alfred.

Do something with that degree rather then whining on FML

mcfaily 0

Yup,YDI for being unemployable.

Olympian94 0

I'm surprised the grammar Nazi hasn't pointed out this guy's spelling yet...

Ajjas013 6