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By C0olgirl - 03/04/2009 21:43 - United States

Today, my best friend and I came home from Japan. Her boyfriend and I have been having an affair before I left so I decided not to tell him she was coming with me. We just got off the plane and got a bite to eat, he was waiting for me so he could propose, my best friend was standing next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 559
You deserved it 226 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What your friend didn't mention a trip to Japan to him either? And he decided to get engaged to you without even breaking it off with her? And when he saw you coming off the plane he didn't notice his girlfriend right next to you? FAIL


f YOUR life???? I think u mean f HER life 4 having a slutty "best friend" like u. u bitch

Nasty *****!!! How can you call yourself her best friend?!?!

lollinda11 0

1#s right. that's why the devil has a special place in hell just for the cheaters like you. Moron

americuzz 8

OMG! what the he'll is wrong with you??!! it's girls like you that make the nice girls get a bad rep. but I agree fyl. because u have no self respect for urself or ur friends. if u said yes to that guy, I would be careful. if he cheated on his gf for u then he can cheat on u with another *****. plus if he is a cheater h probably has aids or sumthin. I bet u last less than a couple of years and he is gunna leave you alone with 2 children, and one on the way. and u r gunna be an alone fat slob!! **** YOUR LIFE!!!

i agree with #1 and #446. it is girls like u who give nice girls bad rep. how r u her best friend?? i don't think a best friend would hav an affair with a best friends boyfriend u slutty bitch

are u sure she's ur best friend cuz u are treating her like a piece of crap

*Are you sure she's your best friend because you are treating her like a piece of crap.

Lawlihearttigers 5

Honestly OP you are a horrible person. You lied and cheated and not with just anyone. It was your best friends boyfriend. How could you?!! And you guys go to Japan together. You are so stupid and so is her boyfriend so you guys are perfect for eachother. Way to ruin someones life! You are the greatest bestfriend ever!!!! P.s. You should look up Kingsleys "I hate *****!!!" video !

22cute 17

Hope they both dump you. Bitch

What your friend didn't mention a trip to Japan to him either? And he decided to get engaged to you without even breaking it off with her? And when he saw you coming off the plane he didn't notice his girlfriend right next to you? FAIL

YDI. It pisses me off that people like you exist in such a small selfish world. All about you. Leave your friends, family and everyone else destroyed in your wake for you to get some gratification. What a friend...

wait i'm sorry, do i see "BEST FRIEND" there? seriously?

nice ..y would u do that to ur own best friend and then go to japan with her ur a ****** asshole u deserve that

I no... the op is a total abitch. i'm ashamed 2 live in the same state as u, u dirty **** :(

DeathMaple 3

I'm ashamed to live in the same country