By C0olgirl - 03/04/2009 21:43 - United States
Same thing different taste
By VacationRuined - 16/06/2013 23:22 - Japan - Tokyo
By hoplessG - 24/12/2009 23:37 - United States
Double standard
By Sara1990 - 23/08/2010 11:40 - Australia
Love Island is back, baby
By Anonymous - 06/06/2024 15:00 - United States
You fool
By Anonymous - 25/10/2024 12:00 - Germany - Hamburg
By neverdatingagain - 27/11/2016 22:07 - United States - Lake Oswego
By KeepOnTruckin' - 18/05/2019 17:50
False hope
By :(( - 14/06/2011 18:06 - United States
By Muscle - 06/03/2009 21:07 - Canada
I'm not the main character in this scene
By Anonymous - 21/12/2023 00:00 - Norway
Top comments
Let me get this straight. Your having a sexual relationship with your BEST FRIEND'S boyfriend you go on a trip with said BEST FRIEND your BEST FRIEND'S boyfriend is proposing to you without breaking up with her? 1.what kind of douche are you? if this girl is your best friend why the hell were you hooking up with her boyfriend? What does that say about you as a friend? can you look her in the eye much less go on a trip with her? you represent the worst in humanity, a selfish prick who only cares about herself no matter who gets hurt. I have all sorts of exquisite punishments i think you deserve but my comment would be deleted if i wrote them.
You're BEST friend? You're the crappiest friend in the can't even qualify as a friend. I hope she spit in your face honestly, cheating is so low even more so when it envoles you're best friends boyfriend! Seriously I hope you and him get married and have nobody show up at you're wedding because you don't deserve friends if that's how you treat them cause you get the award for the world's biggest bitch. Congrats
Lol, #19
woww. way to go and fail on the boyfriends part...wants to marry you after a few times in bed? thats great but that doesnt make you any less innocent and youre a horrible person.
Seriously, shouldn't he have known that his girlfriend was going to Japan? This is retarded. Why is it F YOUR life? You got proposed to and got a trip to Japan. Your "best friend" is the one who just found out that two important people in her life are liars and hurt her. F HER life.
I feel bad for your "best" friend I bet she trusted you...oh well yeah I guess now your life IS effed up now! serves you right
you are a horrible friend. if you're going to have an affair with him, have it after they are broken up and run it by her or else don't be her friend, that's better than this. and well put #22
#17... seriously??? There are so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to start... -How could you do that to someone and still call her your best friend? -How could you date a guy with another girlfriend? (It just means he's a completely untrustworthy loser) -How could he propose to you while still dating your "best" friend? I think you should marry him, sounds like you two are perfect for each other (totally self-involved and dishonest) Check out The Anonymous Diary Project at

you're the worst kind of person.
What your friend didn't mention a trip to Japan to him either? And he decided to get engaged to you without even breaking it off with her? And when he saw you coming off the plane he didn't notice his girlfriend right next to you? FAIL