By Cheater_Cheater_Pumpkin_Eater - 28/01/2010 17:27 - United States

Today, my best friend became my ex-best friend. I have finally gotten over the guy she stole from me a year ago and have developed a crush on another guy. My best friend called me today to tell me that she broke up with the first guy and is now going out with my current crush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 176
You deserved it 5 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she know you were in love with the other guy? If so, it's good she's not your best friend now. You deserve better.

YDI for still considering her your best friend after the first time


LOL y the fk u stil callin her ur best frend afta it hapened the first time, but srsly, sounds to me like sum1 needs to slap that bitch out, that's just low :P

youthink_fml 0

Stop being so immature. Obviously the guys liked her more. And you weren't even dating the second one. A crush is not ownership.

She has seen you more as competition than a companion all along. Good luck in future friendships. FYL :(

If a friend is constantly dating/sleeping with someone that you like, then she hates you and loves to see you you ending your friendship with her, I understand. What I DON'T understand, is how you didn't feel the urge to beat the shit out of her.

TrekkieGirl 0

Why were you still friends with her after she screwed you over the first time? She's cleary a bitch and YDI for not dropping her like a bad habit. Real friend's won't treat you like she matter how much they like a guy.

OPs fault for not making a move first. Should have learned your lesson from the first time.