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My eyes! My eyes!

By Anonymous - 03/06/2013 05:47 - United States - Sanford

Today, I had to pee in my cat's litter box, just to avoid seeing my mom having sex in the living room on my way to the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 336
You deserved it 6 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously? Tell her to knock that shit off when you're home.

PulseShock 9

Maybe you should start having sex in her bedroom, on her bed, in the middle of the night, while she's asleep...did I take that too far? Sorry OP. FYL.


Seriously? Tell her to knock that shit off when you're home.

I agree. I don't think that's an unreasonable request. Hopefully she sees it the same way.

She better see it the same way. Next time it happens OP should blast some SLAYER to kill their mood.

i dont know #28, slayer has never ruined one of my moods! ;)

I dunno about that, sexy time and SLAYER just don't mix lol

rg350dx 29

Or start masturbating extremely loudly to **** with the speakers turned all the way up. See how she likes it. Really get into it OP. Jerk it like your life depends on that shit.

You don't even need ****, just put the TV on a tennis game and turn the volume up real loud. I swear if you watch it with your eyes closed it sounds just like ****.

jjames7543 13

It kinda bothers me how well 39's picture goes with his comment...

I agree with #34 Slayer would never ruin my mood. But I would have to tune out the morbid lyrics and just concentrate on its great beat instead. As for blasting it for my mom? She like music like Céline Dion so it would definitely ruin the mood for her.:P

I think Cher would have them running away faster

SwaggCapone 11

#90 Are you saying you don't have Bieber Fever?! Really? No, me neither...

I don't want to sound dumb, but it was her husband right and not some random guy? Anyway, don't do it when someone is home.

You want to kill the mood, start blasting "wheels on the bus". Guaranteed **** block.

Time for you to get a car and go on a few dates or go out with some friends no one wants to see a parent like that... At least I hope not...

It's stories like these that make me realize why my parents don't barge in on me and my boyfriend more often. Reciprocity.

Just go to the back yard and find a tree?

Unless getting to the back yard involves going through the living room. In which case, OP would be in exactly the same predicament.

In that case OP could go out the front and walk around

Or op could jump out of a window? Unless op is in the top floor of an apartment complex.....

Depending on their backyard they might have more privacy using the kitty litter.

21, front doors are usually in the living room. The house I grew up in required you to go through the living room to get to either the front or back door from any of the bedrooms.

I want to find out if OP was male or female. A dude pissing in kitty litter is a lot less funny than a chick getting her pussy out to piss in kitty litter. the irony is astounding

Chicks don't "get their pussy out" to pee.

What a catastrophe. Well I guess they were having to much of a whiz to pay any attention to anyone else being in the house.

I hope it was a clean litter box when you used it!

Unless OP actually sat in the litter box, I can't see how it's cleanliness would make much of a difference.

I was thing more, hope OP cleaned it after he was done

At least OP got a box, otherwise OP has to find a soda bottle or something

Rose_916 16

If she does that when you home she should at least do it in a locked room. Poor you for having to witness that!

Yeah, talk to her about it, tell her the next time she wants to have sex, to PLEASE do it in HER room with the door LOCKED!

PulseShock 9

Maybe you should start having sex in her bedroom, on her bed, in the middle of the night, while she's asleep...did I take that too far? Sorry OP. FYL.

Lol imagine how it's all set up: "Hey want to do something really risque?! Ok, but ignore her snoring..."

SmittyJA24 26

Assume they didn't know you were home. That's better than thinking either one (or both) of them was hoping you'd join in & make it a 3-way.

WTF is wrong with your mom? Who has sex in the living room when they have kids at home. FYL OP