By Anonymous - 30/04/2011 19:03 - United States

Today, my bladder decided to empty itself while I was on a rollercoaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 274
You deserved it 10 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

And that's why I ALWAYS wear diapers.

You went WEEEEE on da rollercoaster :P


sucksferryu 0

lmfao i love how you worded that ;D

Capt_Oblivious 10
madeline1960 0

If you can't hold your bladder now what's going to happen when you get older ? diappers ? Just kidding !! :)

DeadOnArrivall 0

everybody below just got a sample of human lemonade

I feel sorry for the guy sitting behind you whenever this happened. haahh

it scared the piss right out of ur pussy lol... and FTL of the next guy riding that coaster

shareliz 0

pshhh awww that sucks.! lmo xD !

That's just a less embarrassing way of saying, "I'm such a pussy that I pissed my pants on a roller coaster." YDI