By Anonymous - 30/04/2011 19:03 - United States

Today, my bladder decided to empty itself while I was on a rollercoaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 274
You deserved it 10 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

And that's why I ALWAYS wear diapers.

You went WEEEEE on da rollercoaster :P


ydi for not peeing first! isn't it common sense to go first?

Elledanae 0

No, unless you have a weak bladder it didn't decide to empty itself, you were literally scared pissless on that rollercoaster. Just admit it.

Today, while waiting in line under the hot sun

i prayed for a lil rain shower ... not the type of shower i expected, FML. lol

I think you let yourself go. Liar, don't put it on the bladder, it's your fault!!

...raindrops keep fallin' on my head....

rebecca_marie_21 0

Fail. you should be less scared when on a roller coaster or empty your bladder yourself before you get on a roller coaster.