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By Anonymous - 17/03/2011 18:57 - United States

Today, after speeding home due to an overflowing bladder, I ran to the bathroom, forgetting that the toilet seat was broken. While doing my business, the toilet seat and I both slid off the bowl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 018
You deserved it 7 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintcar 9

How did it break in the first place? Take it easy.

it's not a huge deal, don't get all pissy about it.


mintcar 9

How did it break in the first place? Take it easy.

rallets 22
persianjr1 7

what a shitty situation to be in. lol

mintcar 9

Wow... I knew /someone/ would make that comment.

persianjr1 7

haha I figured no one did it so I might as well be the first. lol

its better to be pissed off than pissed on. in this case, he was both

rallets 22

why do my comments always get modded? im not even trolling on some of my this one its gonna get thumbs down, but meh

I've actually Been in a situation like this before.. except it involves boiling water and some uncooperative macaroni noodles -.-

rallets 22

holy shit, epic macaroni convo starting up again *grabs bowl and cheese*

persianjr1 7

haha. grabs separate pot and macaroni LETS DO THIS FOR PERSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

84 & 90... holy shit what have I started? :') y'all make me so proud.. :D *cranks up Dora soundtrack* let's do this!

persianjr1 7

what you have started my friend, is called a macaroni movement. in which case the best and brightest people go and burn trolls to shreds with macaroni. lol

Kevinzzz 0

Now everytime I see ur pic Bunni I think, "And here comes the macaroni!" lmfao

thaats why guys are luckyy. they dont havee to sitt on dirtyy publiic toiletss :/ or in this case, broken ones ;D

Kevinzzz 0

100 - It seems your hands are shaking so much you've doubled a few of your letters unnecessarily. Maybe you should get that checked out.

rallets 22

its the other way around #95

MyNameIsBruce 0

23 dollars. More Gangsta than 17 dollars.

mintcar 9

What is that thing he's doing with his fingers?

TayonaC 10

#13 I guess it's some gang sign... I'm sure he feels better now knowing he's got a whopping what was it $13 or $17? either way it's stupid and funny :0)

KiddNYC1O 20

13- He's throwing up a sign...

slynoble32 11

*** BLOODS Cs up lol jkjkjkjkjk i aint bangin lol

persianjr1 7
bazingaman10 0

that's a rude picture to have, jackass.

funnyFMLSplz 0

k, girls don't ******* drool. I <3 them. don't be mad cus you can't get any girls to pay attention to you

persianjr1 7

whats wrong with the pic. I'm being completely serious.

103 absolutely nothing that I can see.

countryboyj17 0

it's like riding a surfboard but you're ******** everywhere instead

hahahahahahaha wtf? you deserve a prize for that random comment .

cldean24 4

I wish FML had a high five button.

BugsBunny1 4

I don't aPEEciate the tone you're using with me!

BugsBunny1 4

I don't aPEEciate the tone you're using with me!

BugsBunny1 4

I don't aPEEciate the tone you're using with me!

whoah there buddy, how did the freaking toilet seat break? that leaves me mysteriously curious...

TayonaC 10

dang that's a FAT SQUIRREL! he must really be packing some nuts

BugsBunny1 4

It obviously wasn't in PISStine condition. :P

At least u were home and could have changed still sucks though.

jinki101 0

omg... dude u look just like justin bieber.. idk if u take that offensive or not but im not even kidding.. u look just like him..

jinki101 0

no in his old pic he idk now..