By Anonymous - 30/04/2011 19:03 - United States

Today, my bladder decided to empty itself while I was on a rollercoaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 274
You deserved it 10 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

And that's why I ALWAYS wear diapers.

You went WEEEEE on da rollercoaster :P


pocketfulofsunsh 0

Oh wow, why would you go on a roller coaster if you know you can't handle it?

you musta been soo embarassed!. haha but i woulda laughed.

ihappentobeatree 0

I'm gunna poop in your mouth

ALWAYS per before the ride... duh!

ADub55 0

no, you decided to empty your bladder because you were scared. ydi

you were probaly to scared so u were so scared that you start peeing on the roller coaster but next time try to go before going on the roller coaster

staychill 16

that tingling feeling lol