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By Anonymous - 19/09/2009 08:17 - United States

Today, my boss asked me to take some of the female mannequins and change the outfits. As I was changing them, I realized that this was the most action I've gotten in almost a year. Not only am I twenty-seven, but I'm married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 304
You deserved it 3 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coldplaylive2003 0

You should dress up as a pirate and get in bed with your wife because today's international talk like a pirate day I spy some booty in your future arrrr

bubblybrooke 12

so tonight, go home and seduce her. simple.


coldplaylive2003 0

You should dress up as a pirate and get in bed with your wife because today's international talk like a pirate day I spy some booty in your future arrrr

shiznutmuffin 0

not trying to be a jerk but ouch op, just ouch

Your reply does not relate to the comment :/

Arinwyn 0

Heh. Someone needs to have a talk with the wife

stuff talk some one needs to have a boink with the wife......... ananananddd YDI for getting married xD

you haven't even made out with a wall or something

bubblybrooke 12

so tonight, go home and seduce her. simple.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

I hate these type of FMLs. The 'I'm doing something completely non sexual and then I realized it was the most sexual thing I've done for [insert amount of time here]." They're boring >: And so damn repetitive. There are like a billion like this one. How did it get through? /:

Yeah! I agree. And YDI for not doing something about it.

With all due respect... If you read and take these FML's so much and so seriously maybe you oughta get a life no?

morena_fml 0

hahah dats very true ppl do need to get lifes hhhahhaha

mastory96 0

so... go make love with your wife? simple solution to a simple problem. or you can just stay there and hump some mannequins... your choice.

CL41RE 0

exactly, SusansaysrawrxD, I hate them too -_-

Dynoblaze 1

someone needs to have goofy time with their wife.