By Anonymous - 05/10/2012 02:02 - United States

Today, my boss captured a huge spider and put it in a jar on the desk in our shop. He's named it Fluffy and is threatening to fire me if I harm it. I'm horribly arachnophobic and we share that desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 962
You deserved it 2 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you hate spiders? Most of them are harmless and they kill mosquitoes and other bugs. They're quite helpful. Kidding. Seriously, **** spiders.

perdix 29

In this economy, you should be much more out-of-work-phobic, so sort your phobias out and deal with the little bug in the glass (and hope it doesn't escape, heh-heh-heh.) Or get some old lady to swallow it. I don't know why.


I understand you pain; spiders are just creepy O.o

You share a desk with your job? FYL!!!

Cover it's air holes and boom no more fluffy.

If you ever meet someone with a phobia of something that you are, I assume you'll be perfectly okay with them murdering you for it, then. Let me go ahead and save you the trouble of replying. "No, I'm special! I don't count!"

mowmowlife 21

People kill spiders for tons of worse reasons. I don't see why of all things you go picking on a phobia over some random person killing a spider in their house. In fact, wouldn't it be better just to kill the spider rather than torture it in a glass jar for the rest of its powerless, deprived, glassy life? A fast death that would benefit the OP is better than prolonged torture. Shame on you. Life is about killing stuff to your advantage. It's everything that live's nature. Of course you try not to kill your own race or kill meaninglessly, but you gotta deal.

"Life is about killing stuff to your advantage", except "your own race"? I don't think you should be calling for shame on anybody from underneath a Klan hood, Cletus. And by the way: If killing everyone but your own race's members to your advantage is the way of life, why are you boo-hooing over someone making facetious comments over it?

I am horribly arachnophobic too... That sucks pp

mowmowlife 21

The top commenters don't seem to have a grasp of what a phobia is. It's a primal fear for their life/well being/feels like extreme danger for admittedly no reason. They can't just get over it or rationalize their body. It's true that some people use 'phobia' out of context, but the boss is lording their power over their employees and is extremely inconsiderate not to mention inappropriate. If I am going to assume that OP has an actual phobia and their boss is that much of a freak, they'd prefer to be out of a job.

Okay, I'm deathly afraid of spiders, too. Tell numnuts boss to have some compassion and move spidery to a drawer while you use the desk or you will file an HR complaint-or, your spidey senses will get tingly & a baseball bat will accidentally find its way to something boss values

kittykat1501 31

When he's not looking violently shake the jar so the spider hits the sides and dies

Kill it once he leaves, and act clueless as your boss throughs a bitch fit.

Bludmagnus 13

Actually.. that is a form of workplace intimidation, and your boss can get in trouble for that.