By Anonymous - 17/03/2015 14:54 - Canada - Sherwood Park

Today, my boss chewed me out for leaving a work function early. I explained it was to avoid a former co-worker I constantly fought with. The boss revealed he purposely invited that former co-worker, hoping our fight would provide entertainment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 488
You deserved it 2 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatOtherMegan 30

That's unethical of him & quite immature for someone who holds a powerful position in a company. Hope you sorted that out with your boss.


why would they invite a former employee to an employee function?

They may both work for the same company but in different positions and so are no longer co-workers.

That's some serious work ethic. Punch him in the face, see if that provides him entertainment.

Is there no one higher up to complain to? Human resources?

globalgirly33 2

Or, you're immature and can't manage to not be unprofessional in a basic work environment and contain yourself; like every other working adult does. Grow up.

ThatOtherMegan 30

Or, he was mature and left the event early to avoid conflict?

middlenamefrank 8

Why not just refuse to fight? Drama over, problem solved.

This is something my boss would do

That's harassment if that person doesn't work there no more and that was the boss's reason.