By asdfjkl - 15/04/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, my boss friend-requested me on Facebook. My profile picture is of me licking his employee of the month picture for a dare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 827
You deserved it 52 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starquality 7

Did he call you into the office to do the same thing to him?!?  *wink wink nudge nudge*


Did no one else catch that a man posted this FML?! it makes it that much funnier

Yinky 6

private meeting*.. yea he's gonna give her his meat. Lol.

YDI for having a Facebook! Not really, I'd probably have one if I had friends :P lol

YDI for having a Facebook! Not really, I'd probably have one if I had friends :P lol

Yinky 6

wasn't sure if he did it intentionally.. Lol

Yinky 6

My phone just commented on the wrong comment somehow.. lol. My bad.

hmm... but would you have a profile picture of yourself licking someone else's pic?! hypothetically, lol

so, did 32 get the joke or not? I can't tell. probably not.

omfgfmlisgreat 2

haha work tomorrow is gonna be fun I guess

Yinky 6

Wasnt sure if he did it intentionally. Lol.

sexxiimissj 0

I don't think 32 got that at all lol

Yinky 6

Hey there's been times where I do typos like that and I just was curious if it was a mistake that worked out perfectly. Lol.

Yinky 6